Policies & Disclaimers



Welcome to the Auxiliary Police Benevolent Association of the City of New York ("APBA") web site. This Agreement contains the terms, covenants, conditions, and provisions upon which you may access and use this site (and all other subsidiary sites owned or operated by the APBA) and governs the usage of information and materials found on this site. This Agreement also contains the privacy policy applicable to your use of this site.

By accessing, viewing, or using this site, you, the user, indicate that you understand and intend these Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy to be the legal equivalent of a signed, written contract and equally binding, and that you agree to such Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. Please note that the APBA reserves the right to change the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy under which this site and its many offerings are extended to you. Your continued use of this site following reasonable notice of such modifications will constitute your acceptance of such changes. You also agree that notices we may provide on the site itself shall be deemed reasonable notice for this purpose.



All Content on the APBA Web Site is Proprietary and is Protected by Law

All documentation, electronic text and image files, software, audio and video clips and any and all other content on this web site are proprietary and are protected by copyright and intellectual property laws and may be covered by other restrictions as well. The APBA retains all rights, including copyright, in data, image, text, and any other information contained in this site or its files. Copyrights and other proprietary rights in the material on this site may also subsist in individuals and entities other than, and in addition to, the APBA. The APBA expressly prohibits the copying of any protected materials on this site without written permission. Permission from the APBA for such use is granted on a case by case basis at the sole discretion of the APBA. All requests should be directed to the President of the APBA. For use of copyrights and other proprietary rights that may subsist in third parties other than and in addition to the APBA, those third parties must also be contacted directly for permission to copy and use their protected materials.



Grant of License

This Agreement provides you, the user, with a personal, revocable, nonexclusive, nontransferable license to use this site conditioned on your continued compliance with the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement. Users may print and download materials and information on this site solely for personal and noncommercial use, provided that all hard copies contain all copyright and other applicable notices contained in such materials and information. Notwithstanding the foregoing and except as otherwise expressly permitted herein, a user may not modify, copy, distribute, broadcast, transmit, reproduce, publish, mirror, frame, license, transfer, sell, or otherwise use any information or material obtained from or through this site.



Disclaimer of Liability

The materials on this site have been prepared by the APBA for general informational purposes only. These materials do not, and are not intended to, constitute legal advice and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of legal counsel, and are not guaranteed to be correct, complete, or up to date. The information provided at this web site is not privileged and does not create an attorney-client relationship with the APBA or any of its lawyers. The act of sending an e-mail to the APBA, or submitting a form response or other materials through the site, will not create an attorney-client relationship. You should not act, or refrain from acting, based upon any information at this web site.

While the APBA endeavors to provide the most accurate, up-to-date information and materials available, the information and materials available on this site may include inaccuracies or typographical errors.  Moreover, the APBA may make modifications and/or changes in this site or in the information and materials available on this site at any time, for any reason.

In no event shall the APBA be liable for any indirect, punitive, incidental, special, or consequential damages arising out of or in any way connected with the use of this site or with the delay or inability to use this site, or for any information and materials available on this site, or otherwise arising out of the utilization of this site, whether based in contract, tort, strict liability, or otherwise, even if the APBA has been advised of the possibility of damages. 



Links to Third Party Web Sites and Third Party Transaction

The APBA may provide links, in its sole discretion, to other sites on the Internet for the convenience of its users in locating related information and services.  These sites have not necessarily been reviewed by the APBA and are maintained by third parties over which the APBA exercises no control.  Accordingly, the APBA expressly disclaims any responsibility for the privacy policies, information collection practices, the content, the accuracy of the information, and/or quality of products or services provided by or advertised on these third-party web sites.  Moreover, these links do not imply an endorsement with respect to any third party or any web site or the products or services provided by any third party.



Links to this Web Site

Linking by third party web sites to this web site is strictly prohibited unless the APBA grants express written consent. All requests to link should be directed to the President of the APBA.



The APBA shares your concerns about maintaining the privacy of personal information collected on the Internet.  The following privacy policy discloses the information gathering and dissemination practices of the APBA in connection with the site.  Use of this site constitutes consent to the collection and use of personal data as outlined herein.



Collection of Personal Information from Site Users; Cookies. 

The APBA may collect and/or track (1) the home server domain names, e-mail addresses, type of computer, and type of web browser of users to the site, (2) the e-mail addresses of users that communicate with the APBA site via e-mail, (3) information knowingly provided by the you, the user in online forms, registration forms, surveys, etc. (including name, address, e-mail and other personal profile data), and (4) aggregate and user-specific information on which pages users access.

The APBA may place Internet "cookies" on users' hard drives.  Internet cookies save data about individual users, such as the user's name, password, user-name, screen preferences, the pages of a site viewed by the user, and the advertisements viewed or clicked by the user.  When the user revisits the site, the APBA may recognize the visitor by the Internet cookie and customize the user's experience accordingly.  Users may decline Internet cookies, if any, by using the appropriate feature of their Web client software, if available.  However, declining to use cookies may impede the ability of the site to function properly.



Use of Personal Data Collected

Any information you submit to the APBA will only be used for the specific purpose in which it was submitted. The APBA will not sell, rent or disclose your personally identifiable information to outside parties without your consent unless compelled by law or court order to do so.

The APBA may also use the personal data it collects for internal purposes, namely, for solving technical problems, calculating overall usage statistics, and for content improvement.  The APBA will not disclose to third parties any individually identifying information, such as names, postal and e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, and other personal information which users voluntarily provide to the APBA, except to the extent necessary to comply with applicable laws or legal processes (e.g., subpoenas), or to protect the rights or property of the PBA.  The APBA will cooperate with law enforcement authorities.



Security Measures

The APBA may implement security features to prevent the unauthorized release of or access to personal information.  Please note, however, that the APBA cannot guarantee the confidentiality of any communication or material transmitted to/from the APBA via the site or e-mail.  Accordingly, the APBA is not responsible for the security of information transmitted via the Internet.  For more private communication, users can contact the APBA by telephone at the main office and direct line telephone numbers provided on the site.



Access to and Ability to Correct Personal Data

Upon request via postal mail, e-mail, or telephone, the APBA will provide to users a summary of any personally identifiable information retained by the APBA regarding the user.  Users may modify, correct, change or update personally identifiable information that the APBA has collected by the site or may cause their personal record to be removed from the APBA's database by contacting the APBA via postal mail, e-mail, or telephone.



This Agreement, including the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy, will be governed by the laws of the State of New York without giving effect to the choice of law provisions thereof and all parties utilizing this site expressly agree to be subject to the jurisdiction of courts in the City of New York, State of New York.



Any questions concerning these terms and conditions or technical issues should be directed to:

Auxiliary Police Benevolent Association of the City of New York, Inc.
P.O. Box 649
Brewster, NY 10409

Attn: apba@nycmail.com


Notice to Bulk Emailers

Pursuant to 47 U.S.C.S. § 227, any and all unsolicited commercial e-mail sent to an e-mail address contained on this site is subject to a download and archival fee in the amount of $500 US. Anyone who sends unsolicited commercial e-mail to this account will be charged a $500 proofreading or downloading and archival fee. Consider this official notification. Failure to abide by this will result in legal action.